Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Flowers of carton plates / Flores de platos de cartón

You need small carton plates, markers, crayons and color construction paper. Your children can use these materials to create a flower.

Disponga de platos de cartón pequeños, marcadores, crayolas y papel de construcción de colores. Sus niños pueden usar estos materiales para crear una flor.

The Importance of Playing / La Importancia del Juego

Playing with the kids and doing together different activities like crafts, cooking, constructing, painting, among others, allow the kids to express themselves and experiment with new materials such as crayons, markers, papers, non-toxic paint, glue, stickers, tape scissors, playdough, etc. This helps the child with his development in areas such as: sensory, intellectual, physical, socio-emotional and speach.

You don't have to have a lot... just need creative ideas!

Play with the children... it's good for you too!

Jugar con los niños y hacer juntos diferentes acitividades como arte, cocina, contrucción, pintura, entre otras, permite a los niños expresarse y experimentar con materiales nuevos como crayolas, marcadores, papel, pintura no tóxica, pegamento, stickers, cinta, tijeras, plastilina, etc. Esto ayuda al niño en areas del desarrollo sensorial, intelectual, físico, social-emocional y del lenguaje

No tiene que tener mucho... solo necesita ideas creativas!

Jugar con los niños es bueno para usted también!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Get Ready!

We have some great surprises in store for you! We're two moms, we're crafty and resourceful. Together we are working on some fabulous ideas for our girls and we'll be sharing them with you.